Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time to take back our political system?

I have realized that there comes a point in any situation when you just have to say enough is enough and decide to do something to try and change the direction. It is probably the single most undervalued privilege that we enjoy in our lives in the west. The problem as I see it is that we (myself included) have become so complacent about this freedom that we believe our only role in it's future is to simply turn out to vote every few years and then Leave everything to the newly elected politician to represent our interests.

This path served us well for the most part over the years but in recent times this lack of engagement has resulted in some gradual and frightening changes in our democracies that in my view are destroying the very fabric of our societies as our new breed of politicians pay more heed to increasing powerful special interest groups and lobbyists. It seems that we have created a monster with career politicians who are out of touch with reality and have their own agendas which need to be funded.

Getting back to my opening line then, I have finally reached a point where I am so annoyed and disgusted at the mismanagement of my tax dollars that I have decided to start making some noise in the hope that I can find enough similarly motivated people to make a difference. My intention is to build a site where we will present a factual account of the absolute lunacy of today's politics in Ontario and the also Canadian federal

Whilst I would say that I am a true fiscal conservative at heart who believes that governments role is to provide basic services in the most efficient manner at the lowest cost and with as few regulations as possible, I am no longer affiliated to any political party as I do not believe any of them currently represent my values. My plan here is to call a spade a spade and discuss all political issues regardless of party in an open manner and judge it based on it's merits with respect to the following:

1. Is it a financially sound plan

2. Does it make sense

3. Do we actually need a regulation/law for the subject

4. Does it represent the best interests of the majority rather than just special interests

5. Are the facts accurate

I would welcome your input, discussion and views on the topics we will raise and who knows, it may even be fun to get involved.



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